The End of Captain Juliet

A few days ago, my friend Laurel told me about a dream that she had. The premise, she explained, had something to do with pirates in the time of Les Mis. One specific visual she had was of a woman tied to a burning ship. I couldn’t possibly turn up that kind of visual without giving this woman some kind of story. I set myself to telling this character’s story and was very excited about what came from it. I couldn’t not share it with all of you!

Princess Linni and the Moon

I love space. I like stars and planets, learning about all different space travel. As a sci-fi lover, it’s not surprising (nor is it surprising if you know my fiction). I also have a deep love of photographing the moon. It’s mysterious, bright, and familiar. This piece is a bit about that. Enjoy this extra-long piece for this month’s fiction piece!

The Pirate in the Stables

This idea came to me while I was looking for some volunteer opportunities to fill some time. There was a retired horse rescue that got me wondering about what characters I’d put there. The thought of a pirate crossed my mind, so I started playing with this one. It seemed like a fun idea, so he might come back in another story one day.

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